Thursday, December 5, 2013

Will Granite Countertops Stain?

If you are thinking about remodeling your kitchen, upgrading the countertops should be at the top of your list of things to do. Aside from appliances, these are the one thing people use the most, for obvious reasons. Given the amount of use they receive from cooking and storing items, spending the money on quality material is worth it. Laminate may be cheaper than stone, but it is also much more susceptible to damage. These types of countertops are notorious for cracking, warping and deteriorating faster. Thus, one tried and true alternative that is more affordable than ever these days, is granite. Well-known for its rugged yet aesthetic charm, granite has long been the go-to choice for homeowners.

Clean Granite Countertops in Due Time to Prevent Stains

No matter what color or style you choose, your countertops will be guaranteed to stay in pristine condition for a long time. That is, if you take care of them the right way. Although one of the top benefits of this stone is its ability to resist stains, it should be noted that even it can become discolored. This typically happens when water and cooking oils are left on the countertops for an extended period of time, rather than being cleaned up shortly after they occur. This doesn't mean you have to rush to wipe away spills, but you shouldn't let them stay idle for longer than a few minutes. Also, don't be concerned if you notice a dark spot on the stone if water has been soaking for a short amount of time, as the moisture will evaporate shortly afterwards. To prevent staining and discoloration, you should make it a habit to clean spills right away. If you have children, stress the importance of cleaning them on a regular basis and make it a daily chore.

How to Remove Stains from Granite Countertops

Contrary to popular belief, staining is not a permanent issue with these types of countertops. Even those caused by cooking oils can be removed quite easily, with the proper equipment of course.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Granite

What is Granite?
Granite is a coarse grained crystalline igneous rock composed primarily of quartz and feldspar. It forms from slowly cooling magma that is subjected to extreme pressures deep beneath the earth's surface.

How much does granite cost?
We charge by the square foot and that price includes the material, the fabrication work (including cutting and polishing), the templating process, and the installation. We are happy to provide quotes at no charge or obligation.

For the most accurate quote, we ask that you send us the cabinet layout, the type of sink you are planning on using and stove or cook top information. If possible, show on your drawing any areas that have more than a 1 ½ “ overhang and areas that require back splash. We can give you a price in three ranges, which cover 90% of the colors we carry. We also carry nearly 1,000 remnants that can be used on smaller projects at a substantial savings.

Does granite chip or stain?
Granite is a very dense material and under normal conditions it is chip and scratch resistant. However, pots, pans and other heavy objects may chip the square edge around a sink area. Several other edge profiles are available that will look beautiful and reduce the chances of chipping.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Remove Bathroom Tile Videos

If you are thinking about remodeling your bathroom, doing the demolition yourself is a great way to save some money.  Most bathrooms include some form of tile whether they are ceramic or granite - you can remove them the same way.  In this video, the contractor demonstrates how to remove bathroom tiles from the shower walls.

In the next video, they contractor demonstrats how to remove bathroom tile from a wall.  The video is a little shaky at first but it is a good demonstration to get a visual on the actual technique of removing the wall tiles.

Installing Granite Countertops For Less

When it's time for new kitchen countertops granite is a great option. If your current countertops are the typical 6inch square ceramic tiles that are about 10-20 years old, they probably show their age. Worn tiles will have worn edges and grout falling out. Also cracks can form in high-use areas which can become eyesores. Granite countertops are a big upgrade from ceramic tile or laminate covering- this upgrade can add to the value of your home and it's overall appearance. Granite slab countertops can be installed faster that tiles and is a cost effective choice for your kitchen. Most can find the best granite kitchen coutertops Denver has to offer for a fair price at local retailers.

Granite slabs come in various sizes. One great option is lazy granite which comes in 18 inch wide slabs which are less expensive than traditional slabs and sometimes easier to lay. Laying granite countertops is a project you can take on yourself, or you can have a professional do it for you.

Removing Old Tile
If you are doing it your self, first remove the sink, garbage disposal, range, and microwave from the counter so you have a clear work space. Next you'll remove your current countertop. If you have ceramic tiles, remove them using a hammer and chisel (wear gloves). Be very careful not to damage the drywall behind the tiles. If you are trying to preserve the tiles, you should remove the edging before moving on to the interior flat tiles. Older installations of flat tiles on plywood will be fairly easy to remove as the glue will not have much hold to it. Once all the tiles are removed you'll need to remove the remaining glue from the plywood to check to see if the plywood needs to be replaced. Removing the glue will take some time. The best tools for removing the tile adhesive are a chisel and hand sander.  After the glue is removed, check to make sure the counters are structurally sound, level, and free of any rot and mold.